Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Re-posting ... comes after recyling, right?

I know I posted a link to the MOH updates page about Clinton just the other day, but here is another one worth reading: http://mohhaiti.org/posts/82#.UP7rss0lKOU
It is a link to the MOH blog page and this entry was written by a friend of mine, Ruben, who is so full of life and faith - he has a contagious spirit!
I hope you let his brief story bless you. He is one of a group of young leaders being sponsored to study at the college and being poured into by our staff. Training them, educating them, equipping and empowering them - I picture God fist-pumping at each step in their journey. It's men like Ruben who can really be used by the Lord to change this country... and we get to ride along, at least for a ways!

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